General info

Company identification data

S.S.I.F. Blue Rock Financial Services S. A. is a Romanian financial investment company, headquartered in Bucharest, 2st District, 35 Aurel Vlaicu Street , Corp B, 4th  floor,  postal code 020091: tel. 0213000455, fax. 0213000479, email:, registered with the Bucharest Trade Register under no. J40/14241/2011, C.U.I. 9814029.

The share capital of the company is 14,122,654 lei, the shareholders of the company being:
1. Blue Rock Capital GMBH
2. Mr. Franz Wanovits

The Company has authorized one agency located in Brasov, 2 Nicolae Iorga Str., 1st floor, postal code 500057, phone no: +40311051721/+40311051722, fax  no.: +04213000479, that carries out both the main and  related activities .

Name of competent autority

S.S.I.F. Blue Rock Financial Services S. A. was authorized as a financial investment company by the FSA, based in Splaiul Independentei No.15 , District 5, Postal Code 050092, Bucharest, Romania. Phone 021.659.64.41 and 021.659.62.68; fax: 021.659.60.51 and 021.659.64.14 , fax: 021.659.60.51 and 021.659.64.14,e-mail: , by decision 1942 / 24.06.2003 and registered in the Register A.S.F. sub nr. PJR01SSIF/190057.

The company is registered as ANSPDCP operator under no. 21786.

Investments services and activities

a) reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments;
b) execution of orders on behalf of clients;
c) dealing on own account;
d) portfolio management;
e) Investment advice;
f) underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis;
g) placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis;
h) alternative trading system management.

a) safekeeping and managing financial instruments on the account of clients, including custody and related services, such as managing funds or guarantees;
b) granting credits or loans to investors to allow them to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, if the company granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction;
c) advice given to entities regarding the capital structure, the industrial strategy and related issues, as well as advice and services regarding the mergers and acquisitions of entities;
d) currency exchange services in connection with the investment services supplied;
e) investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments;
f) services related to the underwriting on a firm commitment basis;
g) investment services and activities, such as the related services referred to in Points 1 and 2 related to the underlying shares of the derivative instruments referred to in Point 141 Letters e), f), g) and j), if they are related to the provisions regarding the investment and related services.