Investor's marketplace

Bursa de valori Bucuresti

The beginning of the Bucharest Stock Exchange can be traced back to 1839 while on December 1, 1882 it was officially inaugurated, it is comprised of eight local indices as well as one international index. One of the most attractive features of the exchange are the higher than average dividend yields offered by its components, these yields are considered on average some of the highest within Europe

Unlike other exchanges the Bucharest Stock Exchange is a perfect place for all investors indifferent of their experience level. From the investors who are at the beginning of their journey to investors who have been many years in the market.

Piețe externe

Compared to the Bucharest Stock Exchange, foreign markets tend to attract more experienced investors due to the variety of financial instruments provided such as futures and options trading as well as increased volatility.

These markets not only provide long term investors who have no intention to sell the possibility of buying some of the largest companies in the world, they also provides tools for short term investors to execute their strategies successfully.


Trading insiders

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Cotații BSE

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Foreign quotations

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Informații publice

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